
Tlapitzalli. Riti e suoni del Messico antico

This exhibition starts from the collaboration between the Italian and Mexican Ministries of Culture, and it is promoted by INAH, the National Institute of Anthropology and History of Mexico, in collaboration with our Direzione Generale Musei.

The aim of the exhibition, through the display of artefacts from the collections of twenty prestigious Mexican museums, is to promote the pre-Hispanic musical expressions. In our exhibition’s halls the visitators will find instruments, images, documents and sound reproductions.  All the pieces will allow the public to learn about aspects of the daily and ritual culture of these ancient population. It will be possible to observe some examples of Tlapitzalli, a musical instrument similar to a flute and the subject of many studies by archaeologists and anthropologists.

For pre-Hispanic populations, the world was created by a set of divine beings who embodied the sky, the earth, the water and the other elements. To pay homage to the divinities, they began to imagine and build instruments that allowed the earthly world to communicate with the divine one: the instruments were, in fact, able to imitate the sounds produced on Earth by the elements and its inhabitants. For this reason, they decided to depict on the instruments existing and mythological animals combined with flora and anthropomorphic elements.

The exhibition is the result of an important research carried out by a multidisciplinary scientific committee made of musicologists, conservators, archaeologists, anthropologists and ethnologists. The catalog of the exhibition will highlight and describe this valuable research.

“Tlapitzalli. Riti e suoni del Messico antico” will be open from the 30th of July to 15th of September, Monday to Sunday from 09:00 to 15:00.

Full ticket 7.00 euros.

During the entire opening period of the exhibition, our terrace overlooking Piazza del Quirinale will also be extraordinarily open to all the exhibition’s visitors. Close to entrance of the terrace you will find a special corner with our Cafeteria and some tables placed right on the terrace will allow all visitors a truly unique and special experience.


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